This role is part of a 2-year 'Test and Learn' Demonstrator funded by NHSE Armed Forces Team to scope out how social prescribing can support the specific needs of the Armed Forces Community (AFC).
This role is part of a 2-year 'Test and Learn' Demonstrator funded by NHSE Armed Forces Team to scope out how social prescribing can support the specific needs of the Armed Forces Community (AFC).
This role is part of a 2-year 'Test and Learn' Demonstrator funded by NHSE Armed Forces Team to scope out how social prescribing can support the specific needs of the Armed Forces Community (AFC).

The role is unique in the north of England and our AFC Social Prescribing Link Worker (SPLW) Chris covers County Durham receiving referrals for advice and education to the wider SPLW community in order to increase capacity and better support the AFC as well as supporting more complex cases, holding a small caseload.

Chris has worked alongside veterans, including those who are struggling with substance misuse, resulting in successful positive outcomes.

Outcomes include financial, social, employment and accommodation issues to ensure better living and the organisation will continue to build on this work to adapt into the pathways and processes in a similar way to improve the lifestyle and social impacts.

Chris has received many compliments from patients, stakeholders and other social roles on the delivery of our Armed Forces Social Prescribing Link Workers presentations in the past year and these are shown below.

Over the past year Chris has taken the service forward significantly with the following involvements undertaken:

  • Multiple steering groups were created and held to include other AF SPLWS across the country to develop pathways, training, share good practice and identify learning needs. Included NHSe. Other AF SPLWS from Cornwall, Plymouth and Dorset and Northumbria University.

  • Chris was heavily involved in the creation of the training that was created to deliver to clinicians and other Social roles to enable a more thorough understanding of the support a veteran or dependant of a veteran could be supported

  • Built links and engaged with multiple charities including Op restore and Op Courage

  • Northumbria University is currently undertaking a full evaluation which will continue until 30th September covering the whole area which Chris covers. Alongside this DDHF are conducting their own internal evaluation on the service Chris provides and this will be the focus in the first quarter of 2024-25.