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For 2 of the PCNS the recruitment of the First Contact Physiotherapist (FCP) was agreed to be via County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trust who recruit and line manage these staff. Wear Valley PCN elected to recruit a physiotherapist (Ryan) via the Federation in 2022 and this has worked successfully resulting in a further Physiotherapist lead (Aimee) recruited in November 2023. Both physiotherapists cover 3 surgeries in Willington, North House and Weardale.
The current service improvement aim is to reduce the wait for patient access to a First Contact Physio from 2 weeks to same day/same week appointment, whichever is more appropriate for the particular issue. An initial audit carried out in December 2023 covering a snapshot of 3 weeks in November 2023, and presented to the PCN meeting, showed a large increase in new referrals and reviews with an increase of access to 115 slots per week.
The training needs and patient education highlighted from this are being taken forward alongside identifying ways of improving the FCP service further and the team will be carrying out a further audit this coming year for patient and staff feedback and will act on the results accordingly.
Aimee currently uses injection therapy for Musculoskeletal (MSK) joint pain and has recently taken a prescribing course which will further enhance the service provision and will be looking at ways to improve / reduce prescribing in MSK once settled with the new skill. Ryan has recently completed his injection course and will be developing this new skill over the coming months with the support of Aimee.
The ultimate goal is to provide efficient service by reducing GP time with MSK patients and to give valuable advice for patients to self manage their condition. FCP will initiate investigations if required and refer to appropriate services. The overall aim is to improve self management with the patients where possible, manage those that can be managed in the surgery and ensure correct and appropriate referrals for those that need physio or orthopaedic care.