July Weekly Round-up

Category: Uncategorised

5th July 2024


Better Health at Work Awards
We have now completed the 4 campaigns in pursuit of the Silver Award. Over the next couple of months we will be focusing upon getting the work written up behind the scenes. There will however be some more campaigns to follow in the coming weeks and we are also hoping that you have adopted some of the things we have promoted and kept on doing them such as going for walks at lunchtime, eating healthy, keeping hydrated etc

Green Impact Award

  • Printing – Sustainability states we should always try to reduce the amount of waste material generated in preference to reusing it or recycling it. Why Print Double Sided Printing efficiently can save resources, carbon and a substantial amount of money therefore please ensure you only print documents that are absolutely necessary or think about whether this can be shared in another format. If it does need to be printed ensure this is done double sided if appropriate.
  • Medicines – Some inhalers have a higher carbon footprint than others – Returning inhalers to pharmacies allows them to be recycled or incinerated to destroy the hydrofluorocarbons so Don’t flush your medications
    Find out more at www.greenerinhaler.org



12th July 2024


Armed Forces
DDHF has recently successfully signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant and has received the Bronze Award from the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme. In order to provide support to any of our staff members who are part of the Armed Forces Community we are keen to be aware of our staff who have past or present serving family members and would appreciate you completing this: Armed Forces Questionnaire

Men’s Health Bake off
DDHF raised £74 for ManHealth.
“Thank you so much for your recent donation of £74 to Man Health CIC. We really appreciate every penny raised through donations/fundraising, and we will make sure the money you have donated is spent delivering support to local men who are struggling with their mental and physical health.”

Well Done to Kim Nilsson-Elmenmyr and Simona Andronic who have both passed their independent prescribing.

If you know of any colleagues or clients who live in County Durham and struggle with accessing transport to work, please see link below as they offer personal transport solutions available now.




19th July 2024


Green Impact Award
Food has a considerable carbon footprint due to the miles travelled especially when imported. Reducing the distance food travels, reduces its carbon footprint. Switching to plant based foods or Fairtrade products are recognised as steps towards helping organisations contribute to sustainability. Fairtrade works with farming co-operatives, businesses and governments to make trade fairer. Help us help others. Further information can be found at www.fairtrade.org.uk

Congratulations to Laura Welsh on the birth of her baby girl Maisie born on 14th July.

This week we say a warm hello to Charlotte James Health and Wellbeing Coach for Bishop Auckland.

Great North Run
Keavney Darby (Wear Valley Pharmacist) is running the Great North Run for her Brother-in-laws charity Darby Rimmer MND foundation as he is personally battling with MND, any donations welcomed, thanks!



26th July 2024


Better Health At Work Award
We are now starting to collate all of the evidence we need to progress towards our silver award. With that in mind we’d like some feedback to help us develop campaigns in the future and demonstrate the impact we have had.

Green Impact Award
To understand the carbon footprint of Primary Care and possible opportunities to reduce this training had to be completed by all staff.

Armed Forces Questionnaire
DDHF has successfully signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant and has received the Bronze Award from the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme. In order to provide support to any of our staff members who are part of the Armed Forces Community we are keen to be aware of our staff who have past or present serving family members.

Roles and Responsibilities
The Roles and responsibilities document has been updated to incorporate DDHF’s fire wardens

All The Best!
Good Luck to Rachel Warford on your maternity leave.