
Diabetes Service

The Integrated Diabetes Service aims to reduce the number of diabetic patients needing secondary care.

what it means

The number of people in the UK with diabetes has more than doubled in the last 20 years, and is expected to reach 5 million by 2025.

This new model for treating and preventing diabetes was designed to both benefit patients and reduce the impact on the NHS.

The Integrated Diabetes Service provides better and more effective care for diabetic patients in primary care – mainly from their GP practice – and to reduce prescribing costs.

How it works

DDHF works closely with the Diabetes Lead Nurses and GPs within our member practices and consultants from CDDFT to arrange and deliver collaborative working to improve the lives of those patients living with both Type 1 & 2 Diabetes.

The consultants attend the GP practices on a quarterly basis to review and monitor more complex cases. Along with holding bi- monthly locality meetings to develop and plan initiatives to manage patient needs.

How it helps

Complications associated with diabetes can be controlled and even prevented by making informed lifestyle changes.

Durham Dales are quite often key in piloting services to support patients in engaging with other programmes such as The National Diabetes Prevention Program currently run by provider Reed and The Low Calorie Diet Programme run by Momenta. Complications associated with diabetes can be controlled and even prevented by making informed lifestyle changes.

This sharing of information helps people make the right choices, and the proactive approach

empowers them to take control of their own health.